Virtual Practice Teaching Program, Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines

Hey! I’m Maharani Ayu N.P. Physics Education
student, Surabaya State University. On this occasion, I will share my
experience during the Virtual Practice Teaching Program, Tarlac Agricultural
University (TAU), Philippines. In this activity I am not alone, but with six
students from other majors such as Mathematics Education, Biology Education,
Science Education, and Chemistry Education. This activity starts from September
17th to October 15th, 2021.
The welcoming ceremony
was held on September 17th, 2021 09.00 AM (Asia/Manila). This event included
opening remarks by TAU and UNESA, student submissions, and introductions to cooperative
teachers and supervisors. Our first activity was a Webinar for International
Interns conducted over two days. Webinar topics include the Filipino Language,
Brief History of Philippines, Gender Sensitivity, English as a Medium of
Instruction, The use of technology in synchronous and asynchronous learning, making
an e-portfolio, mental health awareness, creative teaching strategies in
information technology, mathematics, and science. So far, my favorite topic is creative
teaching strategies which discuss growing the interest of students' creative
mindset by linking interests and problems in life. everyday. The entire topic of this webinar is
very useful for the implementation of teaching practice at TAU.
Online-Class Observation is held on the third and fourth day, I observed cooperative teacher teaching strategies, student behavior, and how to provoke them to discuss the material. delivered. The first class I observed was 8A (Junior high school) with newton's first law topic, and the 11th grade (Senior high school) discussed earth science. September 27th, 2021 was my first day. Teaching in class 8B. Honestly, before teaching I was scared and unsure because this was my first experience in teaching international students. All my fears disappeared, as 8B students welcomed them amazingly very openly, eager to learn, and happy to discuss. During the teaching practice activities, I was given directions by cooperative teachers to create lesson plans, slide materials, learning resources pack, and student worksheets. I also had the opportunity to teach materials during the first quarter including, work, power, and energy, sound, light, heat, and electricity.
Today, Wednesday 13th October 2021 the last day I teach, actually final teaching is scheduled for Monday, due to a storm that caused a power outage on a large scale. I teach, as usual, encouraging students to actively do so, hone their problem-solving skills through practice problems, and test their understanding through oral questions. I am surprised that students at 8B are passionate about learning despite their limitations due to online learning. During my teaching activities I’m being observed by Supervisor and Cooperative teacher, at the end I was given a bit of advice related to the learning that has been done.
Teaching at Lab school Tarlac Agricultural
University, Philippines has been one of my most rewarding experiences so far.
The opportunity to teach international students, practice my language skills
and understand science, particularly physics, and learn Filipino culture and
language is an advantage for me. TAU introduced me to great people, especially
my cooperative teachers. Miss Joy, once again I thank her for her guidance
in running this program, for being willing to answer all my questions, for
providing constructive criticism, and finally giving great meaning to the
teacher and the learning process.